How to Participate in Desci?
To participate inDesci(Decentralized Science), you need to have a clear understanding of the basic principles of decentralized science and technologies likeblockchain, DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), tokenization, andcrowdfunding. Here are the ways you can join theDescicommunity and contribute to decentralized science projects:
1. Participate inDesciProjects and Platforms
Desciplatforms and projects often provide opportunities to engage directly through activities such as funding, research, or project management. Specific ways to participate include:
a.Funding and Investment
Support research through DAO orcrowdfunding:ManyDesciprojects, like Molecule,LabDAO, orRegenNetwork, offer opportunities for the community to fund scientific research. You can participate by contributing funds through decentralizedcrowdfundingplatforms or voting on research projects you believe in.
Invest in research tokens:Desciprojects often tokenize research works, allowing you to buy or trade tokens related to research. This could provide financial opportunities if the project is successful.
b.Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing
Contribute data and research:You can joinDesciprojects by sharing research data or participating in open research communities likeResearchHubor These platforms often provide opportunities for scientists to publish open research and contribute feedback to improve the quality of works.
Review research and participate in peer review:One way to contribute is by engaging in the peer review process for scientific works, such as on orResearchHub. You can help verify the accuracy of research and improve the quality of science.
c.Join a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)
JoinDesciDAOs:You can become a member of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) likeLabDAOor Open Science DAO. Within the DAO, you can participate in deciding which research projects to fund and engage in project management activities. This allows you to be involved in open scientific decision-making and have an impact on research project development.
2. Learn and Enhance KnowledgeAboutDecentralized Science
To participate inDescieffectively, you need a solid knowledge foundation aboutblockchain,cryptocurrency, and the basic principles ofDesci. Here are steps you can take to prepare:
a.Learn AboutBlockchainand Related Technologies
Learn aboutblockchain:Blockchaintechnologies are the backbone ofDesci, so understanding the principles ofblockchain, smart contracts, and tools likeEthereum,Polkadot, or Solana is crucial. You can take free or paid online courses on platforms likeCoursera,edX, orUdemy.
UnderstandDeFiand DAO:DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) andDeFi(Decentralized Finance) are two important concepts inDesci. Understanding how DAOs operate will help you participate inDesciprojects as a voter or fund manager.
b.Master Open Science Concepts and Open Access
Open Scienceis a core principle ofDesci, meaning research works, data, and methods should be shared publicly. You can attend open science conferences, read books and articles on open science, or familiarize yourself with practices of sharing and publishing open research results.
3. Contribute toDesciProjects and Platforms
There are many ways you can contribute toDesciprojects, even if you're not a researcher. Here are some specific ways:
Participate in Project Development and Build Projects
Collaborate in software development:If you have programming skills, you can contribute to buildingDesciplatforms likeResearchHub, Molecule, orArweave. These projects often require developers to build applications and smart contracts that serve the decentralized science community.
Contribute to open-source code:ManyDesciprojects are open-source, meaning you can contribute to developing software tools, decentralized applications, or data storage solutions for open science.
Share Knowledge and Promote Science
PromoteDesciand Open Science:You can help raise awareness ofDesciand open science through blogs, articles, videos, or webinars. Sharing this knowledge will help increase understanding and attract more people to join the decentralized science community.
Support the community:You can joinDesciproject communities on platforms like Discord, Telegram, or specialized forums to exchange ideas and help other researchers.
Participate in Open Science Networks and Events
Attend open science conferences:Join events, conferences, or workshops about open science andblockchain. These events help you connect with researchers, developers, and organizations in theDescifield.
Networking with theDesciscience community:The decentralized science community frequently organizes online or in-personmeetups. These events not only help you learn more aboutDesciprojects but also provide opportunities for collaboration with scientists and investors in the community.
Use and participate in open research platforms:An easy way to participate is by using open science platforms likeResearchHub,, Molecule, andLabDAO. You can register an account, participate in projects, fund research, or even upload your own research.
9. Challenges ofDesci
AlthoughDesci(Decentralized Science) offers many opportunities and potential innovations in science and research, there are still challenges thatDesciprojects and research communities face in implementing this model. These challenges mainly revolve around issues of technology, management, legality, finance, and culture in the traditional scientific community. Here are some of the key challengesDescimay encounter:
Lack of Acceptance and Adaptation from the Traditional Scientific Community
Acceptance issues:Desciis still relatively new and may face opposition from traditional scientists who are accustomed to the old research systems and may find it difficult to accept the integration ofblockchaintechnology into the scientific research process.
Conservative mindset:The traditional scientific community may feel uncomfortable transitioning to a decentralized system where they need to change how they collaborate, share data, and recognize research works. This can slow down the adoption ofDesciwithin the broader research community.
Legal Issues and Ownership Management
Intellectual Property Protection: One of the major issues ofDesciis the protection of intellectual property (IP) in a decentralized environment. In scientific research projects, inventions, research works, and data hold high value, and managing IP on ablockchainplatform can be complex, especially when scientists cannot fully control the usage, transfer, or sharing of their intellectual property.
Global Legal Issues: Sinceblockchainoperates globally, legal regulations on data ownership, privacy, and financial rights may differ between countries and regions. This creates a major challenge in complying with regulations and building a unified legal system for activities withinDesci.
Issues with Research Quality Assurance and Validation Processes
Ensuring Research Quality: In science, validating and confirming research results is crucial to ensure accuracy and reliability. InDesci, the peer review process can face challenges without direct involvement from subject-matter experts in each scientific field.
Risk of Misinformation:Blockchaincan create an open and transparent environment, but without a validation or verification mechanism, false information and research can easily spread and negatively affect the scientific community. One of the challenges is how to maintain the quality and accuracy of research on theDesciplatform.
Liquidity and Economic Issues
Fundraising Capabilities: AlthoughDescioffers opportunities for fundraising throughcrowdfundingor staking, the issue remains whether researchers can raise sufficient funds for long-term scientific projects, as these projects typically require long research times and high costs. Moreover, not every project can attract interest or funding from the community or investors.
Token Liquidity: Tokens issued in scientific projects may struggle to be listed on exchanges or fail to attract attention from large investors. If tokens lack liquid markets, researchers or investors may face difficulties converting tokens into cash or realizing tangible profits.
Technological Infrastructure and Scalability Challenges
Technological Infrastructure: Althoughblockchainpromises transparency, security, and decentralization, theblockchaininfrastructure must be capable of handling large amounts of research data without performance issues or high transaction costs. Specifically, scientific research projects often require processing large data, and traditionalblockchainslikeEthereummay not be powerful enough to handle this volume efficiently.
Scalability:Desciplatforms must ensure scalability to serve a large number of scientific research projects, with the ability to handle increasing transaction speeds and data volumes as the platform becomes more widely accepted.
Scalability:Desciplatforms must ensure scalability to serve a large number of scientific research projects, with the ability to handle increasing transaction speeds and data volumes as the platform becomes more widely accepted.
Security and Technical Failures
Security Vulnerabilities: Usingblockchainfor research projects can offer many benefits in terms of security, but it may also face security risks if the system is not properly protected. Hacking of smart contracts or security loopholes could lead to the loss of assets or important information during the research process.
Technical Failures:Desciprojects may encounter issues with smart contracts, disrupting transactions or causing asset losses for investors or researchers. Identifying and fixing technical issues inblockchainrequires an experienced technical team, and not all projects have the capability to address these challenges.
Scalability:Desciplatforms must ensure scalability to serve a large number of scientific research projects, with the ability to handle increasing transaction speeds and data volumes as the platform becomes more widely accepted.
Security and Technical Failures
Security Vulnerabilities: Usingblockchainfor research projects can offer many benefits in terms of security, but it may also face security risks if the system is not properly protected. Hacking of smart contracts or security loopholes could lead to the loss of assets or important information during the research process.
Technical Failures:Desciprojects may encounter issues with smart contracts, disrupting transactions or causing asset losses for investors or researchers. Identifying and fixing technical issues inblockchainrequires an experienced technical team, and not all projects have the capability to address these challenges.
Data Handling and Privacy Issues
Sensitive Data: In many research fields, sharing scientific data is critical, but not all data can be made public. Scientific projects may need to handle sensitive data, such as health or political information, andblockchainmay face difficulties protecting privacy and data confidentiality in an open environment.
Data Control Rights: Whileblockchainoffers decentralization, determining who has control over and ownership of data can lead to disputes, particularly when multiple parties, such as researchers, funders, and NGOs, are involved.
Measurement and Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Impact Measurement: Measuring the impact and effectiveness of research projects in aDescienvironment is challenging. Scientists may face difficulties in proving the practical implications and real-world influence of their research on communities and society.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration:Descimay face difficulties connecting and collaborating across different scientific fields, especially when each field has its own research processes and standards. Applying a common model to all scientific fields may encounter resistance due to differences in research methods.
10.DesciLearning Resources
To learn and understandDesci(Decentralized Science), you can access various resources, including articles, videos, online courses, and communities. Below are some helpful resources to deepen your knowledge ofDesci:
Online Resources (Blogs, Articles, and Whitepapers)
Medium: Medium is a popular platform for articles and research onblockchainandDesci. Many experts andDesciprojects share knowledge, visions, and insights aboutDesciapplications. Search for keywords like "Decentralized Science," "Blockchainin Science," or "Desci" to read articles.
Example:Desci- Decentralized Science on Medium
CoinTelegraph, Decrypt,TheBlock: These news sites offer in-depth articles and analyses ofblockchainindustry trends, includingDesci. You can find reports, case studies, or articles about notableDesciprojects.
DesciProject Whitepapers: Some projects inDescihave whitepapers explaining their operating models, technology, and vision. Look for whitepapers fromDesciprojects likeLabDAO, Science Protocol, Research Hub, or Molecule Protocol to gain a deeper understanding ofDesciplatforms and mechanisms.
Online Courses and Training Programs
CourseraandedX: These online platforms offer courses related toBlockchainandCryptocurrency, which can help you better understand the technology supportingDesci.
Courses to explore:
BlockchainBasics fromCoursera
Blockchainfor Business fromedX
CryptocurrencyandBlockchainfrom the University of California
Udemy:Udemyoffers manyblockchainandcryptocurrencycourses, with some coveringblockchainapplications in science and other sectors.
Example: Search for courses like "Blockchainfor Beginners" or "Decentralized Finance" to gain an overview of howblockchaincan be applied to scientific fields.
Communities and Forums
Reddit:Redditis a place where you can engage in lively discussions aboutDesciand relatedblockchainprojects.Subredditslike r/Blockchain, r/CryptoCurrency, and r/DecentralizedScience(if available) are great places to find knowledge, interact with the community, and learn about new trends.
Discord: ManyDesciprojects andblockchaincommunities have Discord servers where you can join live discussions, ask questions, and receive insights from experts. These groups frequently host AMAs (Ask Me Anything) and discussions on Decentralized Science.
Telegram: Projects like Research Hub, Molecule Protocol, andLabDAOoften have Telegram groups where you can discuss and get updates onDesciinitiatives and progress.
DesciProjects and Platforms to Join
LabDAO: A decentralized platform supporting researchers in funding, developing, and sharing research projects. They also offer educational resources to help you learn about how decentralized research organizations work.
Molecule Protocol: ADesciproject aiming to create a decentralized marketplace for scientific research. You can join discussions and learn more about the financial and research mechanisms inDesci.
Website: Molecule Protocol
Research Hub: A decentralized research platform that connects researchers and funds scientific projects. Participating in Research Hub helps you understand how decentralized science projects operate.
Website: Research Hub
Video and Documentary Resources
YouTube: YouTube is a rich source of explanation videos and lectures onDesci. Search for videos about Decentralized Science orBlockchainin Science to get an overview of the field.
PopularblockchainYouTube channels like Ivan on Tech, Andreas M. Antonopoulos, and The Defiant frequently share information and knowledge about new trends in the industry.
Documentaries onBlockchain: Some documentaries like "Inside theCryptoverse" (BBC) and "TheBlockchainand Us" provide in-depth insights into howblockchaincan revolutionize various industries, including science and research.
Sensitive Data: In many research fields, sharing scientific data is critical, but not all data can be made public. Scientific projects may need to handle sensitive data, such as health or political information, andblockchainmay face difficulties protecting privacy and data confidentiality in an open environment.
Data Control Rights: Whileblockchainoffers decentralization, determining who has control over and ownership of data can lead to disputes, particularly when multiple parties, such as researchers, funders, and NGOs, are involved.
Measurement and Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Impact Measurement: Measuring the impact and effectiveness of research projects in aDescienvironment is challenging. Scientists may face difficulties in proving the practical implications and real-world influence of their research on communities and society.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration:Descimay face difficulties connecting and collaborating across different scientific fields, especially when each field has its own research processes and standards. Applying a common model to all scientific fields may encounter resistance due to differences in research methods.
10.DesciLearning Resources
To learn and understandDesci(Decentralized Science), you can access various resources, including articles, videos, online courses, and communities. Below are some helpful resources to deepen your knowledge ofDesci:
Online Resources (Blogs, Articles, and Whitepapers)
Medium: Medium is a popular platform for articles and research onblockchainandDesci. Many experts andDesciprojects share knowledge, visions, and insights aboutDesciapplications. Search for keywords like "Decentralized Science," "Blockchainin Science," or "Desci" to read articles.
Example:Desci- Decentralized Science on Medium
CoinTelegraph, Decrypt,TheBlock: These news sites offer in-depth articles and analyses ofblockchainindustry trends, includingDesci. You can find reports, case studies, or articles about notableDesciprojects.
DesciProject Whitepapers: Some projects inDescihave whitepapers explaining their operating models, technology, and vision. Look for whitepapers fromDesciprojects likeLabDAO, Science Protocol, Research Hub, or Molecule Protocol to gain a deeper understanding ofDesciplatforms and mechanisms.
Online Courses and Training Programs
CourseraandedX: These online platforms offer courses related toBlockchainandCryptocurrency, which can help you better understand the technology supportingDesci.
Courses to explore:
BlockchainBasics fromCoursera
Blockchainfor Business fromedX
CryptocurrencyandBlockchainfrom the University of California
Udemy:Udemyoffers manyblockchainandcryptocurrencycourses, with some coveringblockchainapplications in science and other sectors.
Example: Search for courses like "Blockchainfor Beginners" or "Decentralized Finance" to gain an overview of howblockchaincan be applied to scientific fields.
Communities and Forums
Reddit:Redditis a place where you can engage in lively discussions aboutDesciand relatedblockchainprojects.Subredditslike r/Blockchain, r/CryptoCurrency, and r/DecentralizedScience(if available) are great places to find knowledge, interact with the community, and learn about new trends.
Discord: ManyDesciprojects andblockchaincommunities have Discord servers where you can join live discussions, ask questions, and receive insights from experts. These groups frequently host AMAs (Ask Me Anything) and discussions on Decentralized Science.
Telegram: Projects like Research Hub, Molecule Protocol, andLabDAOoften have Telegram groups where you can discuss and get updates onDesciinitiatives and progress.
DesciProjects and Platforms to Join
LabDAO: A decentralized platform supporting researchers in funding, developing, and sharing research projects. They also offer educational resources to help you learn about how decentralized research organizations work.
Molecule Protocol: ADesciproject aiming to create a decentralized marketplace for scientific research. You can join discussions and learn more about the financial and research mechanisms inDesci.
Website: Molecule Protocol
Research Hub: A decentralized research platform that connects researchers and funds scientific projects. Participating in Research Hub helps you understand how decentralized science projects operate.
Website: Research Hub
Video and Documentary Resources
YouTube: YouTube is a rich source of explanation videos and lectures onDesci. Search for videos about Decentralized Science orBlockchainin Science to get an overview of the field.
PopularblockchainYouTube channels like Ivan on Tech, Andreas M. Antonopoulos, and The Defiant frequently share information and knowledge about new trends in the industry.
Documentaries onBlockchain: Some documentaries like "Inside theCryptoverse" (BBC) and "TheBlockchainand Us" provide in-depth insights into howblockchaincan revolutionize various industries, including science and research.
Last updated